This book is aimed at intermediate-level university students taking French as a second (or additional) language. Written in Quebec, it uses the New French Grammar approach.
Sarah Bertrand-Savard, Marie-Maude Cayouette, Claire Minet et Suzie Beaulieu
This learning and activity book offers clear explanations and a wealth of activities focused on developing communication skills in specific situations. La nouvelle grammaire en contexte also takes students on a journey into the heart of Quebec culture by looking at varied topical themes.
There are 4 major sections in La nouvelle grammaire en contexte:the sentence, parts of speech, verb conjugation and text construction.
Each chapter includes the following:
“Coup d’essai”: a short text followed by questions allowing learners to evaluate their knowledge in the subject matter and the theme being presented
Grammatical concepts, presented clearly and concisely
A wide range of context-based exercises: exercises applying knowledge and action-oriented learning activities
The “Stratégies”rubric, which describes possible syntactic variations to identify certain words in the sentence
A rubric explaining certain words and expressions used in Quebec
A summary at the end of each chapter, recapitulating the major concepts presented
In the appendix, the “Boite à outils”includesconjugation tables, practical summary sheets on complementary concepts as well as strategies for writing, revision and self-correction, to give students quick access to comprehensive references.
When you order the collection, the digital teacher’s copy of La nouvelle grammaire en contexte isprovided for free on MyCECZone.
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